The Debt Clinic of Canada Inc. offers various options in dealing with financial problems that are not commonly offered by other companies. Our policy- bankruptcy is only the last resort. Our commitment- to provide appropriate solution and options to financial problem designed for each individual circumstance. Our approach- we do not decide for our clients; we simply present appropriate solutions, options, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative so that they could make an informed decision.

Since 1995, The Debt Clinic of Canada Inc. has helped hundreds of individuals successfully deal with their debt problems without filing for bankruptcy. As a result of the recession in the late ‘80 and early ‘90, Adam Aspilla, a former financial planner and a mortgage broker organized the company. In that recession, real estate prices collapsed-down to as low as 30% of the pre-recession market value. Many people went financially broke including scores of Adam’s clients in his mortgage broker’s operation.