For more than 15 years, Bodybliss has been caring for Canadian families with exceptional Physiotherapy, Orthopedic and Wellness services. Our patients will attest to our proven and effective therapies. They also enjoy the caring and friendly nature of our staff.


As part of our commitment to excellent care, we take time to research and evaluate the latest technologies that will enable us to serve our patients better. For Custom Orthotics, we use the most advanced foot scanner, ParoScan 3D to capture the plantar surface (sole) and every nuance of the foot in 3 dimensions. Compare this with other clinics that are still taking foam box impressions or plaster casts of the foot which can lead to incorrect manufacturing of the custom orthotics.

For biomechanical examination of walking patterns, we use GaitScan. This leading-edge technology allows you to walk over the pressure plate and thousands of tiny sensors imbedded in the mat measure the distribution of force throughout your foot during each step, identifying high-pressure areas and gait abnormalities.